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D. Scott Rogo


ONE OF the most widely respected writer-journalists covering the field of parapsychology. He was born February 1, 1950, and began publishing articles on psychical research while still a teenager, including some in scientific journals. His first book appeared when he was only 20.

Scott attended the University of Cincinnati and then San Fernando Valley State College from which he graduated in 1972 summa cum laude with a B.A. in music. He played the English horn for two seasons with the San Diego Symphony and also played occasionally for the Honolulu Symphony. He played the oboe as well.

Unlike many authors, Scott was an active scientific investigator. He served as a visiting researcher at both the Psychical Research Foundation (then in Durham, North Carolina) and the (former) Division of Parapsychology and Psychophysics of Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York.

He published three papers reporting experimental research on the ganzfeld (Rogo 1976, 1977; Rogo, Smith, and Terry 1976) and conducted a study on personality factors of successful ganzfeld subjects (Rogo and Sargent 1982).

Scott was also active in field investigations of hauntings and poltergeists (e.g., Rogo 1974, 1982, 1987). Not only did he produce many books and popular articles, but in addition he published full papers in all of the professional, English-language, refereed parapsychology journals.

Scott was also a leading authority on the history of psychical research. Perhaps Scott’s greatest ability was to effectively communicate the complex findings of psi research to a larger public. I have met many people with a moderate interest in psychic phenomena whose only contact with scientific parapsychology was via Scott Rogo. He reached an immense number of people. One of Scott’s contributions was that of consulting editor for Fate where he wrote a regular column on parapsychology. He also recruited a substantial number of prominent researchers and sceptics to write articles for the magazine, bringing a high level debate to the attention of the public.

Tragically, on August 18, 1990 Scott was found stabbed to death in his home. He died aged 40.

Some of his book included:

1970: A Study of Some Unusual “Other-World” Experiences. (New York: University Books.)

1972: A Psychic Study of “The Music of the Spheres” (NAD. Volume II). (Secaucus, NJ: University Books. Inc.)

1973: 'Methods and Models for Education in Parapsychology'. Parapsychological Monograph No. 14. (New York: Parapsychology Foundation, Inc.)

1973: The Welcoming Silence: A Study of Psychical Phenomena and Survival of Death. (Secaucus, NJ: University Books.)

1974: An Experience of Phantoms. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company.)

1975: Parapsychology: A Century of Inquiry. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company.)

1976: Exploring Psychic Phenomena: Beyond Mind and Matter. (Wheaton, IL: Theosophical Publishing House.)

1976: In Search of the Unknown: The Odyssey of a Psychical Investigator. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company.)

1977: The Haunted Universe: A Psychic Look at Miracles, UFOs and Mysteries of Nature. (New York: New American Library.)

1978: The Haunted House Handbook. (New York: Tempo Books/Grosset & Dunlap.)

1978: (Ed.) Mind Beyond the Body: The Mystery of ESP Projection. (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books.).

1978: Minds and Motion: The Riddle of Psychokinesis. (New York: Taplinger Publishing Company.)

1979: The Poltergeist Experience. (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England: Penguin Books.)

1980: (Ed.) UFO Abductions: True Cases of Alien Kidnappings. (New York: New American Library.)

1982: ESP and Your Pet. (New York: Tempo Books/Grosset & Dunlap)

1982: Miracles: A Parascientific Inquiry Into Wondrous Phenomena (New York: The Dial Press.)

1983: Leaving the Body: A Complete Guide to Astral Projection. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.)

1984: Our Psychic Potentials (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.)

1985: The Search for Yesterday: A Critical Examination of the Evidence for Reincarnation (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.)

1986: Life After Death: The Case for Survival of Bodily Death (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England: Aquarian Press.)

1986: Mind Over Matter: The Case for Psychokinesis: How the Human Mind Can Manipulate the Physical World (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England: The Aquarian Press.)

1986: On the Track of the Poltergeist (Englewood Cliffs. NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.)

1987: The Infinite Boundary: A Psychic Look at Spirit Possession, Madness, and Multiple Personality. (New York: Dodd, Mead & Company.)

1987: Psychic Breakthroughs Today: Fascinating Encounters with Parapsychology’s Latest Discoveries (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England: The Aquarian Press.)

1989: The Return From Silence: A Study of Near-Death Experiences (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England: The Aquarian Press.)

1990: Beyond Reality: The Role Unseen Dimensions Play in Our Lives (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England: The Aquarian Press.)

Co-authored Books

1979: Rogo, D. Scott, and Raymond Bayless. Phone Calls From the Dead (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.)

1979: Rogo, D. Scott, and Jerome Clark. Earths Secret Inhabitants (New York: Tempo Books/Grosset & Dunlap.)

1980: Druffel, Ann, and D. Scott Rogo. The Tujunga Canyon Contacts (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.)

Articles by D. Scott Rogo on this website:

• Some Personal Thoughts on Survival


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